Dear colleagues,

We invite You to take part in the International conference: “EURASIA: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, SECURITY, COOPERATION” , Samara, Russia, which will be held on October 25-26, 2019.

The best articles will be published in the proceedings journal SHS Web of Conferences ( EDP Sciences – Web of Conferences) , indexing by Web of Science.

The Conference is already announced on the publisher’s website: EURASIA 2019 International Conference “Eurasia: Sustainable Development, Security, Cooperation” (Samara, Russian Federation, 25 – 26 October, 2019).

Thematic sections:

  1. New geopolitical trends in Central Eurasia.
  2. National interests and national development strategies.
  3. Fighting new security threats: strategies in Eurasia.
  4. Modernization of the economy of regions and cities.
  5. Cooperation in science, education and innovation.

Deadline for submission of materials:

September 1, 2019.
Notification of paper acceptance : October 15, 2019.
Publication fee : 100 Euros (1 article max. 6 pages).


  1. Originality (not less than 90%), relevance, scientific novelty, practical significance of the research results.
  2. The article should have a clear structure: introduction, methodology, main part, conclusions, references.
  3. The References list should include up to 15 sources. + Absolute correspondence of all used sources to citations in the article text.
  4. The article volume – up to 6 pages (in English, with the Reference list).
  5. There should be no more than 4 authors in one article.
  6. The same author may appear in no more than two articles.
  7. Articles that are not designed according to the template and these requirements will not be accepted for publication.
  8. The article file should be named by the author’s(s) surname(s).
  9. All figures and tables should be editable. If the figure/ table is not author’s development, it is necessary to have written permission for their reuse.

ALL ARTICLES will undergo a double-blind review and a plagiarism detecting system .
The editors reserve the right to refuse publication without explanation.

Please, send your materials and application forms to the conference e-mail:

The template is attached to this information letter.

Anna Zotova
International Cooperation Office Supevisor
Samara State University of Economics
Russia 443090 Samara
Sovetskoi Armii 141, office 406
Tel.: 007 846 933 86 86